"What kind of bird are you?"

If you haven't yet watched a fantastic little flick aply named "Fantastic Mr.Fox" I highly suggest you do! Rarely do I enjoy watching animated movies as much as live action ones, but this one does not lack in any way! The director of that movie was Wes Anderson, and his latest project "Moonrise Kingdom" is equally delightful. The sets in this pre-teen adventure/love story are very Anderson'esque; whimsical, reminding me of the books I used to read when I was  a child. His style of cinematography is also very different that those of million dollar Hollywood movies, his use of panning across the set and looking directly into the eyes of his actors is refreshing. Something else that caught my eye during watching this dvd, was the adorable ensembles worn by one of the main characters Suzy. There's just something about wearing candy colored (very)mini dresses and ruffled knee high socks you can't resist! Below you will find some images from the movie, but to fully enjoy the atmosphere that this moving picture created, I hope you will watch it!