Girls Love Beyonce (and shopping)

There's something phenomenal about walking through a variety of shops in a single area and hearing a whole wide range of different Drake songs (if you get my title then I applaud your song knowledge). I went to Santee Alley today with my roommate and it was everything I wanted it to be. A little bit grungy and tacky but all in a very approachable way (at least to me personally). Lots of cheap shoe shops and boutiques filled to the brim with "street style" printed sweatshirts and va va boom pencil skirts. In all honesty I prefer shopping here more than the traditional H&M or Forever 21 retailers because the prices are a bit lower and you can find items that not everyone has. Plus of course you have the added benefit of taco trucks, which is never to be underestimated! In general I just love places with a little bit more character because they make me feel more like I'm truly living in a city; which I want to take advantage of as much as possible.

For the fashion today I decided to dress up a little bit like a Jimi Hendrix groupie, and gave my new patch work vest an outing. The vest of course being from Goodwill by USC, which I went to yesterday with Bianca after an (unsuccessful) trip to the nearby DMV. Immediately upon seeing this item I was transported back to the semi nostalgic days of being 10, back when I had a coat quite similar to it. I guess I just can't deny my love for anything that resembles the 70's and has fur accents....

Also might have ended up heading home with a few items from the market (below):
My name is also: Yung Bucket Hat Shawty
Seattle vibes with this plaid dress
Destroyed and high waisted...
We all live in a Barbie world.