The Royal Seal

Classic street wear brands like Stussy and Supreme continue to leave a large impression on the fashion world, but it's always refreshing to see new independent brands do their thing. One of my most recent clothing discoveries (through Instagram nonetheless) has been The Royal Seal ( A clothing brand based out of Seattle, The Royal Seal currently features their Molly Baseball Jersey available for purchase on their online shop. But don't expect any boring catalog images of the pieces! These t-shirt and others are of course modeled on a posse of cool kids lounging around looking generally bad ass (maybe even twerking). And now, through the magic of social media I got the opportunity to ask The Royal Seal a few questions about the brand.

1. What was the inspiration behind creating the brand?
We really wanted to express ourselves artistically and be able to share our passion for not only fashion but also all areas of art.

2. What's the design process for creating a new piece?
We really just constantly surround ourselves with inspiration so that we are able to really take aspects from all those different pieces of inspiration and grind them down in order to try and work them into a design

3. What's next for The Royal Seal?
 We want to expand as a brand and really start to collaborate with other brands and artists, we would love to be able to touch all fields of art and really share our passion for art and fashion with all different parts of the world.

4. What has been your most recent source of (style) inspiration?
Mostly our friend group and our city. Our artistic collective, whom we call 37, is a collective of friends that we have grown up with and have grown artistically with. Within this group we’re able to share different artistic ideas and tastes regarding fashion, art, and music and really be able to all grow as young artists and really be able to finalize our different styles in different areas of the artistic community.

Don't forget to follow for up-dates and behind the scenes pictures.